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XQ Power Servo for RC plane

XQ Power Servo for RC plane

Brand: XQPower Model: XQ-S8315D
XQ Power XQ-S8315D Servo Priced for 1 servo. Why not get 2? 1 for you and 1 for a friend. Get a discount price for purchasing 2. Contact us now. XQ-S8315D XQ-S8315D is a metal case brushless digital servo,entire case made from high precision CNC milled aluminum.With dual ball bearing a..
Brand: XQPower Model: S8320D Servo
XQ Power S8320D Servo Priced for 1 servo. Why not get 2? 1 for you and 1 for a friend. Get a discount price for purchasing 2. Contact us now. XQ-S8320D is a a metal case brushless digital servo,entire case made from high precision CNC milled aluminum.With high-precision durable titanium ..
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