Zerotech YS-S4 V3 Autopilot
Buy Zerotech YS-S4 V3 Autopilot with confidence.
S4 features new firmware, attitude stabilization algorithm and optimized hardware structure, to provide better flight performance. The MINI all-in-one design simplifies installation, saves space and weight. Light and small Main Controller contains inner damping, 3-axis gyroscope, 3-axis accelerometer and barometer. It measures flying altitude and attitude.
Precise Position Hold
The flight controller uses the Kalman filter method to calculate the attitude and vertical velocity. Sophisticated sensors allow very precise hovering, which is less than 1.5 m horizontal and 0.5 m vertical.
Multiple Control Modes
Gemini supports multiple flight control modes and allows an easy switch between Manual mode, GPS attitude mode (Auto Hover /Auto Navigation /Auto Go Home/Landing), Phone attitude mode, Phone remote control mode, Rocker-arm mode.
Intelligent Course Lock
Intelligent Course Lock allows autopilot to record aircraft’s nose direction, and to fly the aircraft as recorded. From this moment the aircraft nose direction has nothing to do with forward direction.
Failsafe (Go-Home Landing)
This advanced feature ensures that the aircraft returns to home point after loss of signal.
Built-in Gimbal Stabilization Function
The gimbal stabilization module is compatible with almost all 2-axis gimbal systems. The system keeps the gimbal and camera stable.
OSD Supported
ZerOSD displays autopilot flight information such as voltage, GPS location, height, speed, pitch, roll etc. in live video output.
Optional Wi-Fi Module
WIFI module provides convenient and simple communication between aircraft and smartphone/tablet or PC used as ground station. WIFI module has built-in two communication modes: Router mode and PP mode. The user can choose preferred mode. PP mode is very convenient for out-space flights.
Real-time Voice Broadcast (with Wi-Fi module)
Real-time flight altitude and distance information broadcast function, no need distract your attention to check the GCS.
Phone Attitude Control (with Wi-Fi module)
This feature allows to operate the aircraft using a smartphone device. User can fully control the aircraft by tilting their smartphone. Flying direction will follow tilt movements.
Low Voltage Alert (with Wi-Fi module)
When voltage drops to pre-set low value, phone will automatically alert the user by vibration. When voltage drops below the pre-set low value, phone will keep vibrating at and high-frequency to remind the user to land the aircraft immediately.
Supported Multi Rotor Types - Quad I, Quad X; Hexa I, Hexa V