Tools for multirotor
Brand: radiolink
Model: Radiolink M8N
Radiolink M8N GPS SE100 For Flight Controller APM PixhawkRadiolink M8N GPS SE100 For Flight Controller APM PixhawkHere we have the Radiolink M8N GPS SE100 For Flight Controller APM PixhawkDescription: See images..
Brand: SKYRC
Model: SKYRC GPS Speed Meter
SKYRC GPS Speed Meter of High PrecisionSKYRC GPS Speed Meter of High Precision. SKYRC GPS Speed Meter of High PrecisionSpecifications for SKYRC GPS Speed Meter of High Precision:32 parallel satellite searching channelsReceiver: L1, 1575.42 MHZFrequency: 1.023 MHZUpdate frequency: 1 Hz.Antenna type: ..
Brand: SKYRC
Model: SKYRC Optical Tachometre
SKYRC RC Helicopter Optical TachometreHere we have the SKYRC RC Helicopter Optical TachometreThe SKYRC RC Helicopter Optical Tachometre is a must have tool for any pilot, and can measure RPM of any rotating
object, such as all kinds of helicopters, fixed-wing airplanes with
propellers and multi-..
Showing 1 to 3 of 3 (1 Pages)