DJI 2.4Gh Bluetooth Data link
Description of: DJI 2.4Gh Bluetooth Data link
The DJI 2.4G Bluetooth Data Link is a component for the DJI iPad Ground Station. It features two transceivers to facilitate wireless communication between aircraft and iPad with a range of up to 1148' line-of-sight. One transceiver is installed in or on the aircraft and integrates with the flight control system via the CAM bus, the other remains at the ground-end to pick the Bluetooth signal from the iPad.
The 2.4G Bluetooth Data Link provides the wireless link required for data and control transmission by the DJI iPad Ground Station system. The Ground Station is a portable beyond visual range (BVR) solution for multi-rotor RC aircraft using A2, WKM, Naza-M, or NAZA-M V2 flight controllers. Via the Ground Station iOS app you are able to practice in a flight simulator, map an autopilot course using 'waypoint' navigation, fly the aircraft manually using virtual joysticks, monitor flight attitude in real-time, and more.
Data Link for DJI iPad Ground Station
Air and Ground Transceiver Units
Up to 1148' Range
Relays Control from Ground Station App
For Beyond Visual Range (BVR) Flights